The Hubbard model in the strong coupling theory at arbitrary filling

A. Sherman

Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Ravila 14c, 50411 Tartu, Estonia

 January 16, 2015


Equations for the electron Green’s function of the two-dimensional Hubbard model, derived using the strong coupling diagram technique, are self-consistently solved for different electron concentrations n and tightbinding dispersions. Comparison of spectral functions calculated for the ratio of Hubbard repulsion to the nearest neighbor hopping U/t = 8 with Monte Carlo data shows not only qualitative, but in some cases quantitative agreement in position of maxima. General spectral shapes, their evolution with momentum and filling in the wide range 0.7 . n ≤ 1 are also similar. At half-filling and for the next nearest neighbor hopping constant t ′ = −0.3t the Mott transition occurs at Uc ≈ 7∆/8, where ∆ is the initial bandwidth. This value is close to those obtained in the cases of the semi-elliptical density of states and for t ′ = 0. In the case U = 8t and t ′ = −0.3t the Mott gap reaches maximum width at n = 1.04, and it is larger than that at t ′ = 0 for half-filling. In all considered cases positions of spectral maxima are close to those in the Hubbard-I approximation.

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