Karlheinz Schwarz
Phys. Rev. B 5, 2466 – Published 1 April 1972
We have examined two criteria for determining the exchange parameter α which occurs in the Xα local-statistical-exchange approximation, an approximation widely used in energy-band and molecular calculations. These criteria are (i) adjustment of the statistical total energy to the Hartree-Fock total energy, leading to αHF, and (ii) satisfaction of the virial theorem, leading to αvt. We have calculated the values of the parameter α corresponding to these two criteria for the neutral atoms H through Nb, and compared them with the values αmin corresponding to the Hartree-Fock total-energy minimization criterion employed earlier by Kmetko and Wood. While the last-mentioned criterion leads to α values which show large fluctuations across the periodic table as a function of Z, the α values obtained by either of the two criteria used in this paper show a systematic variation as a function of Z, reflecting the shell structure of the atoms, and varying linearly with Z within the range of Z for which a particular atomic subshell is being filled.
- Received 17 December 1970
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