R. Kh. Sabirov
Moscow State Pedagogical University, 119882 Moscow, Russia
(Submitted 26 May 1995)
Zh. ~ks~. Teor. Fiz. 108, 1179-1 185 (October 1995)
A form of variational method for calculating the ground-state energy of a quantum system is
considered. The method is based on a prescription for the systematic construction of a trial
variational function at each step in the calculation of the ground-state energy; the prescription
improves the previous result. In each step of the calculation, it is straightforward to obtain the new
variational function. The method is tested in two nontrivial problems. Good agreement
between the calculated ground-state energy and its exact value is found. The transformation of
the wave function in the transition from one step of the calculation to the next is traced.
It is shown that as the number of steps in the calculation increases the variational wave function
reproduces with ever greater accuracy the characteristic features inherent in the exact wave
function of the ground state.
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