Jianmin Yuan1,2 and C. D. Lin2
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Department of Applied Physics, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, People’s Republic of China
~Received 12 March 1998!
R-matrix calculations have been carried out to investigate the effect of core-valence electron correlation on
the scattering of electrons with Ca atoms at low energies. While the major feature of the d-wave shape
resonance with a peak near 1.3 eV in the total cross section can be reproduced by including only the correlation
among the valence electrons, we show that the existence of a low-energy peak near 0.15 eV, which has also
been observed experimentally, can be obtained only if the correlations between the valence and core electrons
are considered. This low-energy peak is shown not caused by a shape resonance, but rather due to the rapid
decrease of the s- and p-wave phase shifts with collision energies. The present result also indirectly supports
the previous conclusion that core-valence electron correlation is responsible for bringing the electron affinity of
Ca2 from 72 to 15 meV, i.e., to a value which is much closer to the experiment.
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