A. W. Weiss and J. B. Martin
Phys. Rev. 132, 2118 – Published 1 December 1963
Variational perturbation theory has been used to compute the first-order wave function for the ground state of the helium atom, in a scheme where the Hartree-Fock function is treated as the zeroth-order approximation. The first-order function was approximated by a Hylleraas-like expansion, explicitly containing r12. We obtain a total energy through third order of -2.90262 a.u., as compared with the nonrelativistic eigen-value of -2.90372. The first-order corrections to expectation values of a selection of one- and two-electron operators have been computed. The calculations have also been done for the isoelectronic ions, H−, Li+, and Be2+.
©1963 American Physical Society